They say, “It’s Will-AM-ette, dammit!” in Oregon, and dammit this Pinot Gris is soooooooooo good. This wine has been so consistently refreshing and wonderful year in and year out, it deserves a place in everyone’s refrigerator. Not a wimpy, thin, tart, grapefruity pinot grigio. Although the same grape, it shares little with some of it’s Italian counterpart’s… um… boring– ness. Pinot Gris from the Northwest US is serious white wine, and extremely easy to drink at the same time. It won’t confuse and befuddle the standard Pinot Grigio drinker, and won’t disappoint anyone else either. This one brings crispy, citrusy, floral richness with a tiny hint of gentle spice to the party. Chill, serve, and repeat...