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101441 Overseas Hwy
Key Largo, FL 33037
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Best Value White Wine on the Planet?

Bodega Catena Zapata Alamos Viognier Mendoza, Argentina
No oak, no malolactic fermentation, no B.S. No tutti fruity syrupy dreck. No chills, spills, or bellyaches in this beautiful example of one of earth’s most difficult white grapes to vinify. Viognier was the darling of France’s Northern Rhone valley for centuries, but now it is a little more abundant and easier to grow elsewhere, as in Argentina. Succulent, crisp, mouthwatering citrus, peach, apricot, and light floral spice character shines with a unique freshness. Awesome.

This is the perfect white wine for boat and beach, spicy dishes like curries and thai, incredible with lobster and other seafood, salads, shrimp, ANYTHING…

Chill. Enjoy. Repeat.